

 In order to disrupt the stories that built institutions that have never served us, we need to tap into the stories that honor all of us. Our collective stories and storytelling spaces bring us closer to the world we need by holding our imagination and memory as sacred places who can show us many pathways and entire universes of possibilities to become.

We are all storytellers. Some of us speak stories, some of us cook stories, some of us dance stories, some of us illustrate stories, others of us dream stories, write stories. The more we practice our storytelling, the more connected we are to our humanity, to collective purpose, to the generations before and the generations ahead. I practice telling stories and creating storytelling spaces alongside beloveds in different ways.


A conversation with Shadiin Garcia & Delma Jackson III about the role of storytelling in world building.

Access Episode here or wherever podcasts are found.


 Imagining a World Without Sexual Violence: A storytelling collaboration with The Resonance Network, On the Right Mind, and brilliant storytellers for the 2020 National Sexual Assault Conference. Click here to access the session.

Workshopping the World View Session 3 English.jpg

Workshopping The Emerging Worldview Series 2020, a collaboration with members and storytellers of beloved organization The Resonance Network. Visual Storytelling by Claudia Lopez.